Sunday, December 7, 2008

Whoppy and Streaker's 99 Christmas Music Videos

Whoppy and Streaker's 99 Christmas videos, courtesty of Artie Wayne on the Web

Click on Whoppy & Streaker's Christmas portrait to visit their
awesome list of 99 Christmas videos.

I recently received an e-mail from Artie Wayne, detailing how his fine, festive felines, Whoppy and Streaker (pictured above), have compiled an impressive list comprising 99 YouTube Christmas videos. Adding to this, we have Artie Wayne's personal commentary, springing from his clearly vast knowledge of popular music and the music industry. So get on over there and start boosting your Christmas spirit, right now!

Then, spread the joy! Share the link around. Not only does music soothe and civilize the savage beast  (as seen above) but it cheers. It can change your whole mood from dark to bright, if you let it.

Merry Christmas, Artie, Whoppy, and Streaker!

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