Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Wrapping Christmas presents a pain?

Maybe some people like it. Personally, I don't. You go to all this work to wrap pretty, picturebook Christmas presents in tinsel and fire, which gets shredded in mere seconds and added to an unruly pile of Christmas offal. Often by a kid who cares not in the least what the present comes in. It's kind of depressing.

Me - I get Christmas bags. You can get perfectly serviceable ones, in any size from small to jumbo, at the local dollar stores, complete with a tag. Then, the gift recipients may use them in the future, if they please - and even if they don't, it has saved you work. Don't worry about whether the bags get reused or recycled - you don't have to own someone else's thrift, or the lack thereof.

Or, if you want, take them back home with you, and use them next year. Chances are that no one will care, and maybe they won't even notice.

On the other hand, if you like the Christmas carnage, carry on, Christian soldiers.

Christmas Carnage

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